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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Spyware blaster

Spyware blaster

We’ve all heard about the spyware epidemic of recent years that continues to plague just about any computer connected to the internet (and if you haven’t heard about it I suggest you check my antispyware recommendations, its most likely one reason why your computer is running so slow! as just about every computer gets affected sooner or later). But as we all know, prevention is better than cure and that’s why one of the first things I install on a new computer is spywareblaster, a free program that blocks thousands of spyware from even being allowed into your computer in the first place.

Download it, install it, run the update and choose to protect all (or just any browsers you use) then that’s it! It’s done its job and doesn’t even have to be run again, but I recommend running the update from inside the program every once in a while to get the latest protection, this can be done automatically if you choose to upgrade to a paid version, but that’s the only real difference. It doesn’t remove currently installed spyware but is a very good preventative measure.

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