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Saturday, March 08, 2008

Recolored: Black and white photos into color!

Got some old black and white photographs you wouldn’t mind seeing in color?
Before computers helped, it had to be done by hand, requiring great skill and patience to achieve good results.

Nowadays, it’s possible to do it yourself on your computer, not easy, but possible!

Well general purpose graphics programs are usually awkward and time consuming to use if trying to recolor an old black and white photo. Recolored is software for colorizing black and white photos.

There is a learning curve and its a little too technical to describe in a simple blog review but it doesn’t take more than a few minutes to start getting results. Overall, I say Recolored is worth the download for anyone who’s got a lot of old photos and wonder what it really looked like to be there!

You can check out more detailed info and download the demo right here.

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