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Friday, March 07, 2008

3D Driving-School: Learn to drive at your computer…well, almost!

This is a really cool program i found that gives you virtual driving lessons, complete with virtual driving instructor! It’s based on driving in Europe, so left side of car and driving on the right! At least that was the case in the version I tried although i think they have other versions, but the site is a little confusingly laid out. Don’t let that put you off though. This is a very good program and you almost feel like you’re really driving,as you have to pay attention or you’ll break the rules of the road or even cause an accident!

In the version i played around with, you can choose from 4 driving instructors,
three car cockpits, three motorbike cockpits (Hornet, Scooter and a cool Chopper). It starts at beginner level with basics such as indicating and stopping at traffic lights, giving right of way, etc, all the way up to…well almost real life conditions!

I had the pleasure (and pain) of going on a road trip across Europe not so long ago, so i can say that the scenery and experience is pretty accurate in some ways! I’d recommend this for anyone learning to drive or planning on driving in Europe. It’ll give you a good chance to become familiar with the various rules of the road! All from the safety of your chair! (Seatbelt not included)

You can find out more info here

1 comment:

ThallesGriloXD said...

comunidade do orkut